Burkina Faso

Burkina Faso is one of the least developed countries in the world. Widespread poverty and limited access to basic services affect children throughout the country. Natural disasters and a deteriorating security situation have also severe consequences for large numbers of children. In the 2020 End of Childhood Index, Burkina Faso is assessed to be one of the countries where childhood is most threatened. Burkina Faso is ranked 171tst out of 180 countries.

Our work for the children

In Burkina Faso we make sure that an increasing number of children attain their right to survival, protection, development and participation.

  • Poverty reduction: We reduce poverty and vulnerability of children and families through improving access to social protection programs, while also addressing the needs and rights of children through complementary activities. In cooperation with local communities and authorities, we strengthen social protection policies and programs so as to better respond to and address the problems of child poverty and vulnerability.
  • Child protection: Children´s right to be protected from violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation is furthered through strengthening child protection systems. The capacities of all actors to identify and respond to child welfare concerns is enhanced through training and technical support.
  • Health and Nutrition: We work to increase access to free or affordable health care. Preventive services, including health education are emphasized in the work to improve the health and nutrition of children.

Enhancing child participation, the active involvement and opportunity for children to express their views and influence decision-making, is included in all actions. Gender equality and building up the resilience to disasters are also incorporated in the programs as cross-cutting themes.

Our programs are funded by supporters of Save the Children Finland, the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland, European Union (ECHO/DG DEVCO), UNICEF and the Government of Burkina Faso.

Save the Children has worked in Burkina Faso since 1977.